I’ve spent a couple decades writing about science—climate and energy, health and medicine, science-related policy and politics—for dozens of different outlets. In this newsletter I’ll keep doing all that, but without, you know, editors.

It’s gonna go in a bunch of different directions. Sometimes I’ll walk through a study I find interesting, for “this is good” or “this is bad” reasons (it’s usually the bad one)—things like this, or this. Sometimes I’ll get really mad at a bad piece of science writing and just go to town on it—maybe, just for example, like this (and subsequently, this). I might discuss some bit of science or science-related policy that pops up in the news. Or I might get really sad (or angry; probably angry) about climate change, drink some whiskey, and write a few too many words about whatever it is that set me off.

The “various remote locales” bit stems from the fact that my wife and I left home around a year ago to travel and be nomadic; it’s been, uh, quite the year for that, but this occasional newsletter will still come in from, well, somewhere.

So, that’s the idea. Thanks a lot for checking in, I appreciate it. Now c’mon, mash that subscribe button.

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Climate change, vaccines, lots of other science-adjacent stuff, and the politics and culture that surrounds it all.


Journalist and author, mostly science and politics.